We listen to your feedback (BTW, here is our Discord) and are trying to implement new features as fast as possible.
Meet new Hive features:
- Advanced import settings
- Project Dashboard
- Main View Pagination
- Credential store
- Small bug fixes
Advanced import settings
Advanced import settings allow for configuring import behavior. For example, you can set it to ignore and not to import the ports locked in `nmap` scans or to automatically generate issues from `Nessus`, specifying their Severity Level before that. Cool, fast, and convenient!
Project Dashboard
People love dashboards, don’t they? We’ve implemented a special view that displays your project summary:
- scope
- services
- ports
- most vulnerable hosts
- etc
This enables you to understand what you’re dealing with during the project and to add illustrative charts in your report documentation.
Credential store
Quite often, during a pentest, we find some user accounts and passwords. Credential store facilitates easy and convenient import/storing/processing/export of any credentials or tokens. Now, they’re kept in one place – you won’t miss anything important for sure!
Main View Pagination
We’ve noticed that some users have to work with large-scope projects (dozens of thousands of IPs). To make the interface more user-friendly even if you’re project includes a huge amount of data, we’ve implemented the `lazy load` into the main screen.
Now it works smoothly, regardless of your project scope!
Just as usual, in addition to new features, we’ve found and fixed lots of minor bugs and polished UI so you can focus on your projects and be more productive!
We continue developing Hive, so stay tuned!